Hello, let’s learn how the name of your favorite Pokemon is written in Japanese.
Category: Japanese Language
Learning Japanese – Asking about location using どこ and answering using ここ/そこ/あそこ
In this lesson you will learn how to ask about a place or about where something or someone is located using どこ and ここ/そこ/あそこ.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Asking about location using どこ and answering using ここ/そこ/あそこ
Learning Japanese – Asking “what something is” usingこれ/それ/あれ は なん です か。
In this lesson you are going to learn how to ask “What’s this?” questions in Japanese, and how to answer them.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Asking “what something is” usingこれ/それ/あれ は なん です か。
Learning Japanese – Introducing the topic of a sentence using …は…
In this sixth lesson in our Learning Japanese series, you will learn how to indicate the topic of a sentence using the particle は.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Introducing the topic of a sentence using …は…
Learning Japanese – Expressing relation using …の…
In this lesson you will learn how to express relation between people and/or things and other people or things by using the の particle.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Expressing relation using …の…
Learning Japanese – Adjectives and negative sentence for i-adjectives using …くない です。
In this new lesson of the Learning Japanese series, we will introduce the Japanese adjectives and show you how to build simple negative sentences around them.
Learning Japanese – Making simple negative sentences using …では ありません。
Hello, hello,
In this third lesson of our new Learning Japanese series you will learn how to make simple negative sentences using “では ありません”.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Making simple negative sentences using …では ありません。
Learning Japanese – Making simple questions using …ですか。
Here is our second lesson is this new learning Japanese series. This time you will learn how to build a simple question in Japanese.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Making simple questions using …ですか。
Learning Japanese – Simple sentence using …です。
Hello Everyone,
In this lesson we will start learning Japanese grammar with the most basic form of Japanese sentences.
Continue reading Learning Japanese – Simple sentence using …です。How to Write and Pronounce Hiragana
This post presents all the hiragana characters with their stroke order and their pronunciation.