Here is some basic Japanese vocabulary that goes along learning hiragana and katakana alphabets. Each word is provided with audio pronunciation.
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Week 1: あいうえお
いう | to say (dictionary form) |
いいえ | no |
あおい | blue (adjective) |
Week 2: かきくけこ
あかい | red (adjective) |
えき | train station |
いく | to go (dictionary form) |
いけ | pond |
ここ | here (next to me) |
Week 3: さしすせそ
さけ | sake, alcool |
かさ | umbrella |
あし |
leg, foot |
おかし |
candy, sweets |
いす |
chair, stool |
すこし |
small quantity, few |
せかい |
the world, the universe |
えいせい |
satellite, moon Note: えい makes a long え sound |
そこ | there (next to you) |
あそこ |
over there (away from me and you) |
Week 4: たちつてと
うた | song, poetry |
たかい | high, tall, expensive (adjective) |
いち | one |
かたち | shape, form |
くつ | shoes |
つくえ | desk |
つかう | to use, to make use of |
ちかてつ | subway |
さとう | sugar |
おと | sound, noise |
Week 5: なにぬねの
なつ | Summer |
おとな | adult, grown-up |
にく | meat, flesh |
いちにち | one day, all day long |
いぬ | dog |
たぬき | tanuki, raccoon dog |
きつね | fox |
ねこ | cat |
その | this + (next to you) |
きのう | yesterday |
Week 6: はひふへほ
はな | flower |
このは | foliage, leaves of trees |
ひと | person, people |
ひこうき | aircraft |
ふね | ship, boat |
さいふ | wallet, purse |
へた | bad, poorly skilled |
ほん | book |
ほう | direction, way, manner |
Week 7: まみむめも
うま | horse |
なまえ | name |
うみ | sea, seaside |
はなみ | watching flowers (particularly cherry blossom) |
あめ | rain or candy |
せつめい | explanation |
くも | cloud |
かいもの | shopping, purchased goods |
Week 8: やゆよ
やま | mountain |
なつ やすみ | Summer holidays |
ゆき | snow |
ゆうめい | dream |
よる | evening |
たいよう | sun, the Sun |
Week 9: らりるれろ
むら | village |
ちから | force, energy |
あり | ant |
まつり | festival |
よる | evening |
かえる | to come back or frog |
れい | zero (0) |
きれい | beautiful, clean |
ろく | six (6) |
こころ | heart, spirit |
Week 8: わをん
かわ | river |
わたし | I, me |
コーヒー を のみます | I drink coffee |
てん | sky, heaven or point, spot |
てんぷら | tempura, battered and deep fried fish and vegetables |
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Learn Japanese hiragana and katakana |