Hi Everyone,
You may have seen it, Gintama will be going live this Summer. Let’s have a look to the Gintama JDrama anouncement!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with JDrama, JDrama, or ドラマ in Japanese, is the name for the Japanese TV Series. JDrama are organized along 4 seasons: winter, spring summer and fall; and each season is the opportunity to discover a new bunch of TV series, or the continuation of the most favorited ones (this is the same principle as for anime / アニメ. A season for a serie contains generally between 8 and 12 episodes, sometimes preceded and/or followed by some special episodes. For prime toime series, the duration of an episode is around 45 minutes, but for some secondary series episodes can be only 15 minutes.
Gintama is originally a manga started in 2003 and now counting more than 67 volumes. The manga narrates the comical adventures of Gintoki Satama, a samurai living in an Edo period where aliens named “Amanto” have taken the control and abolished the right for humans to wear weapons, and trying is best to earn his life by accepting various jobs.
The manga has been adapted into multiple anime versions since 2006, and this summer it is getting a live action adaptation. Let’s have a look at this last!
The official website for the series is here:
Now, let’s have a look at the top picture:
Here is some vocabulary to help you decrypt the anouncement:
銀魂 | ぎんたま | gintama | Silver Soul, surname of the hero |
ドラマ | DORAMA | drama | |
オリジナル | ORIJINARU | original | |
マンガ | MANGA | manga | |
アニメ | ANIME | anime | |
俺 | おれ | ore | I (male term of language, arrogant) |
最後 | さいご | saigo | last, latest |
まで | made | until | |
おまえら | omaera | you (plural, male term of language) | |
に | ni | {purpose} | |
つきあう | tsukiau | to associate with, to go along | |
ぜ | ze | {command} | |
ミツバ | MITSUBA | Mitsuba (nom, Japanese Parsley, here Sougo Mitsuba ) | |
編 | へん | hen | volume (of a text) |
出演者 | しゅつえんしゃ | shutsuensha | actor(s) |
スタッフ | SUTAFFU | staff | |
の | no | {relation} | |
コメント | komento | comment(s) | |
は | wa | {topic} | |
コチラ | kochira | this way | |
公式 | こうしき | ko~shiki | official |
始めました | はじめました | hajimemashita | to have started |
フォロー | FORO~ | follow | |
お願いします | おねがいします | onegai shimasu | please |
The Story / ストーリー
Now, let’s have a look at the story; first, the setting:
「銀魂」屈指の泣けるエピソード ”ミツバ篇”
屈指 | くっし | kusshi | leading, outstanding |
泣ける | なける | nakeru | to shed tears, to be moved to tears |
エピソード | EPISO~DO | episode | |
時 | とき | toki | time, moment |
幕末 | ばくまつ | bakumatsu | end of edo era |
宇宙人 | うちゅうじん | uchu~jin | space aliens |
来襲 | らいしゅう | raishu~ | raid, invasion |
によって | ni yotte | because of, due to | |
近未来 | きんみらい | kinmirai | near future |
化した | けした | keshita | changed |
パラレル | PARARERU | parallel | |
江戸時代 | えどじだい | edo jidai | Edo period |
/ The leading, tear shedding, episode from Gintama: the “Mitsuba” volume. /
/ Time is end of Edo period, /
/ In a near future Edo period changed by the invasion of space aliens ~~~~ /
Now, the plot:
近々 | ちがちが | chigachiga | soon |
結婚する | けっこん する | kekkon suru | to get married |
事 | こと | koto | fact |
になった | ni natta | to have become | |
沖田 | おきた | okita | Okita (name, here Sougo Okita) |
姉 | あね | qne | older sister |
ミツバ | ミツバ | Mitsuba (name, here Sougo Mitsuba) | |
が | ga | {focus} | |
会い | あい | ai | meet, visit |
やってきた | yatte kita | came along, turned up |
/ Okita’s older sister, Mitsuba, who is soon to getting married, comes to visit him. /
早く | はやく | hayaku | quickly |
母 | はは | haha | mother |
を | o | {object} | |
亡くした | なくした | nakushita | to have lost |
にとって | ni totte | concerning, regarding | |
同然 | どうぜん | do~zen | similar to, same |
存在 | そんざい | sonzai | being, existence |
三つ葉 | みつば | mitsuba | Mitsuba (Japanese Parsley, here in plain kanji) |
と | to no | {with} | |
の | {relation} | ||
逢瀬 | おうせ | o~se | date, rendez-vous |
喜ぶ | よろこぶ | yorokobu | to be delighted |
だった | datta | was | |
が | ga | but | |
実は | じつは | jitsu wa | as a matter of fact, in reality |
体調 | たいちょう | taicho~ | physical condition |
思わしくなく | おもわしくなく | omowashikunaku | unsatisfactory, disappointing |
/ For Okita who lost is mother quite soon, Mitsuba is like his mother. Okita was delighting of his rendez-vous with Mitsuba, but in reality Mitsuba’s physical condition was distressing… /
一方 | いっぽう | ippou | meanwhile |
昔 | むかし | mukashi | in the past |
想い | おもい | omoi | thought, desire, hope |
寄せていた | よせていた | yosete ita | to deliver |
男 | おとこ | otoko | man |
土方 | ひじかた | hijikata | Hijikata (name) |
武器 | ぶき | buki | weapon, arms |
闇取引 | やみとりひき | yamitorihiki | secret deal, illegal transaction |
かかわる | kakawaru | to have to do with | |
調査していた | ちょうさ して いた | cho~sa site ita | had investigated, had performed an inquiry |
そして | soshite | thus, and now | |
正体 | しょうたい | sho~tai | true character, true identity |
突き止めた | つきとめた | tsukitometa | to pin down, to determine |
なんと | nanto | what, how, whatever | |
その | sono | that | |
人 | ひと | hito | person |
Translation:/ Meanwhile, a man to whom Mitsuba had in the past delivered her thoughts – Hijikata, had investigated on a man with whom he had made a secret deal on weapons. And now Hijikata had pinned down the true identity of that man. It comes out that man is… /
幸せ | しあわせ | shiawase | happiness, luck |
願う | ねがう | negau | to wish, to request |
あまり | amari | remainder, rest | |
仲間同士 | なかまどうし | nakamado~shi | comrades |
で | de | {mean} | |
対立 | たいりつ | tairitsu | confrontation, opposition |
する | suru | to do |
/ Okita and Hijikata, willing to preserve what remains of Mitsuba’s happiness, decide to confront with the help of their comrades. /
What will happen then?
真選組 | しんせんぐみ | shinsengumi | special samurai police force |
友情 | ゆうじょう | yu~jo~ | friendship, camaraderie |
沖田 | おきた | okita | Okita (name, here Okita Sougo) |
願い | ねがい | negai | vow, wish, request |
土方 | ひじかた | hijikata | Hijikata (name) |
悲恋 | ひれん | hiren | disappointed love |
行方 | ゆくえ | yukue | whereabouts |
この | kono | this | |
物語 | ものがたり | monogatari | story, tale |
どうなるの | dou naru no | how / to become / reason, explanation, fact |
/ The friendship of the Shinsengumi!? /
/ Okita’s wish!? /
/ The whereabouts of Hijikata and Mitsuba’s disappointed love…!? /
/Gin-San!?!? /
/ This story, what will happenー!?!?! /
登場人物 | とうじょうじんぶつ | to~jo~jinbutsu | characters |
坂田銀時 | さかた ぎんとき | sakata gintoki | Sakata Gintoki |
小栗旬 | おぐり しゅん | oguri shun | Oguri Shun |
主人公 | しゅじんこう | shujinko~ | hero (of a story), main protagonist |
万事屋 | よろずや | yorozuya | “House of 10,000 business”, the shop founded by Gintoki to sell his services. |
天然パーマ侍 | てんねん パーマ さむらい | tennen PA~MA samurai | natural hairhead / permanent wavy / samurai |
土方十四郎 | ひじかたとうしろう | hijikata to~shiro~ | Hijikata Toushirou |
柳楽優弥 | やぎら ゆうや | yagira yu~ya | Yagira Yuuya |
真選組 | しんせんぐみ | shinsengumi | Shinsengumi – samurai police |
副長 | ふくちょう | fukucho~ | vice chief |
マヨラー | MAYORA~ | mayonnaise lover | |
沖田ミツバ | おきた ミツバ | okita MITSUBA | Okita Mitsuba |
北乃きい | きたの きい | kitano kii | Kitano Kii |
姉 | あね | ane | older sister |
タバスコ女 | タバスコおんな | TABASKO onna | tabasco woman |
近藤勲 | こんどう いさお | kondo~ isao | Kondou Isao |
中村勘九郎 | なかむら かんくろう | nakamura kankuro~ | Nakamura Kankurou |
局長 | きょくちょう | kyokucho~ | office chief |
ストーカー | SUTO~KA~ | stalker | |
気質 | きしつ | kishitsu | spirit, mind |
沖田総悟 | おきた そうご | okita so~go | Okita Sougo |
吉沢亮 | よしざわ りょう | yoshizawa ryo~ | Yoshizawa Ryou |
一番 | いちばん | ichiban | first, number one |
隊 | たい | tai | regiment, squad, group |
隊長 | たいちょう | taichou | commanding officer |
ドS | DO “S” | extreme sadist | |
王子 | おうじ | o~ji | prince |
山崎退 | やまざき さがる | yamazaki sagaru | Yamazaki Sagaru |
も | mo | {also} | |
登場 | とうじょう | to~jo~ | appearance, entry (on stage) |
Let’s see what will indeed happen this summer!
And as a reward for this hard work, here is the trailer…
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