Hello Everyone,
You are getting closer to having learned all katakana! This time we are going to discover characters: マ, ミ, ム, メ and モ. Let’s go!
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If needed, here are some links to the previous lessons:
- Katakana lesson 1: A, I, U, E, O and halfwidth A, I, U, E, O
- Katakana lesson 2: KA, KI, KU, KE, KO (+ dakuten derivates)
- Katakana lesson 3: SA, SHI, SU, SE, SO (+ dakuten derivates)
- Katakana lesson 4: TA, CHI, TSU, TE, TO (+ dakuten derivates) and halfwidth TSU
- Katakana lesson 5: NA, NI, NU, NE, NO
- Katakana lesson 6: HA, HI, FU, HE, HO (+ dakuten and handakuten derivates)
- Hiragana lesson 7: ma, mi, mu, me, mo
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This katakana is pronounced: ま
It has 2 strokes:
Note: Beware the orientation of the second stroke to avoid confusion with ア [あ].
- Write 10 times the character マ in a row.
- Write 5 times the word マッチ / match (contest) /.
- Write 5 times the word スマート / smart, stylish /.
This katakana is pronounced: み
It has 3 strokes:
- Write 10 times the character ミ in a row.
- Write 5 times the word ミス / mis(take), error /.
- Write 5 times the word マスコミ / mass comm(unication) /.
This katakana is pronounced: む
It has 2 strokes:
Note: Look carefully at the orientation to avoid confusion with マ [ま].
- Write 10 times the character ム in a row.
- Write 5 times the word チーム / team /.
- Write 5 times the word ゲーム / game /.
- Write 5 times the word システム / system /.
This katakana is pronounced: め
It has 2 strokes:
- Write 10 times the character メ in a row
- Write 5 times the word メイクアップアーティスト / make-upo artist /.
This katakana is pronounced: も
It has 3 strokes:
Note: Beware the orientation of モ at the bottom of the third stroke to avoid confusion width チ. For this remember its hiragana counterpart: も.
- Write 10 times the character モ in a row.
- Write 5 times the word メモ / memo, note /.
- Write 5 times the word モニター / monitor (computer) /.
- Write 5 times the word モーター/ motor /.
This is the end of this lesson. See you soon for five new characters!
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Next lesson: Katakana lesson 8: YA, YU, YO and halfwidth -YA, -YU, -YO