Hello Everyone!
In this article you will discover some famous manga with their original name in Japanese and their literal translations!
Hello Everyone!
In this article you will discover some famous manga with their original name in Japanese and their literal translations!
Hello Everyone,
In this lesson I will give you some tips to help you mastering hiragana and katakana.
Hello Everyone,
This is a great moment in history, as after this lesson you will have discovered every hiragana and katakana! The final characters are: ワ, ヲ and ン, and we will also see some extra sounds. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
This lesson is our forelast lesson on katakana! Get ready to learn: ラ, リ, ル, レ and ロ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
You are getting closer to having learned all katakana! This time we are going to discover characters: ヤ, ユ and ヨ and their half width forms. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
You are getting closer to having learned all katakana! This time we are going to discover characters: マ, ミ, ム, メ and モ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
Ready for some new katakana? Today we are going to learn characters: ハ, ヒ, フ, ヘ and ホ, as well as their handakuten and dakuten derivatives バ, ビ, ブ, ベ, ボ and パ, ピ, プ, ペ, ポ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
In this lesson we are going to learn 5 new katakana characters: ナ, ニ, ヌ, ネ and ノ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
Ready for 5 new katakana? Today we are going to learn characters: タ, チ, ツ, テ and ト, as well as their dakuten ◌゙ derivates: ダ, ヂ, ヅ, デ and ド. Let’s go!
Hello Hello,
Here is the second lesson around katakana. This lesson will introduce the katakana: カ, キ, ク, ケ and コ, and the forms of these katakana with the dakuten ◌゛: ガ, ギ, グ, ゲ and ゴ. Let’s go!