Hello Everyone,
In this lesson I will give you some tips to help you mastering hiragana and katakana.
Hello Everyone,
In this lesson I will give you some tips to help you mastering hiragana and katakana.
Hello Everyone,
This is a great moment in history, as after this lesson you will have discovered every hiragana and katakana! The final characters are: ワ, ヲ and ン, and we will also see some extra sounds. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
This lesson is our forelast lesson on katakana! Get ready to learn: ラ, リ, ル, レ and ロ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
You are getting closer to having learned all katakana! This time we are going to discover characters: ヤ, ユ and ヨ and their half width forms. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
You are getting closer to having learned all katakana! This time we are going to discover characters: マ, ミ, ム, メ and モ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
Ready for some new katakana? Today we are going to learn characters: ハ, ヒ, フ, ヘ and ホ, as well as their handakuten and dakuten derivatives バ, ビ, ブ, ベ, ボ and パ, ピ, プ, ペ, ポ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
In this lesson we are going to learn 5 new katakana characters: ナ, ニ, ヌ, ネ and ノ. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
Ready for 5 new katakana? Today we are going to learn characters: タ, チ, ツ, テ and ト, as well as their dakuten ◌゙ derivates: ダ, ヂ, ヅ, デ and ド. Let’s go!
Hello Everyone,
Ready for 5 new katakana? Today we are going to learn characters: サ, シ, ス, セ and ソ, as well as their dakuten ◌゙ derivates: ザ, ジ, ズ, ゼ and ゾ. Let’s go!
Hello Hello,
Here is the second lesson around katakana. This lesson will introduce the katakana: カ, キ, ク, ケ and コ, and the forms of these katakana with the dakuten ◌゛: ガ, ギ, グ, ゲ and ゴ. Let’s go!