Japanese Lesson – Katakana 9

Hello Everyone,

This lesson is our forelast lesson on katakana! Get ready to learn: ラ, リ, ル, レ and ロ. Let’s go!










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Katakana マ to ン

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This katakana is pronounced:

It has 2 strokes:


  • Write 10 times the characterラ in a row.
  • Write 5 times the word  クラス / class /.
  • Write 5 times the word  カメラ / camera /.
  • Write 5 times the word  ラジオ / radio /.

This katakana is pronounced:

It has 2 strokes:

Note: To remember this katakana, just remember its hiragana equivalent: り / リ


  • Write 10 times the character リ in a row.
  • Write 5 times the word スリッパ / slipper(s) /.
  • Write 5 times the word アクセサリー / accessory /.
  • Write 5 times the word アイスクリーム/ ice cream /.

This katakana is pronounced:

It has 2 strokes:


  • Write 10 times the character ル in a row.
  • Write 5 times the word  プール / (swimming) pool /.
  • Write 5 times the word  ホテル / hotel /.
  • Write 5 times the word  タオル / towel /.

This katakana is pronounced:

It has 1 stroke:


  • Write 10 times the character レ in a row
  • Write 5 times the word  テレビ / televi(sion) /.
  • Write 5 times the word  レコード / record (LP…) /.
  • Write 5 times the word  エレベーター / elevator, lift /.

This katakana is pronounced:

It has 3 strokes:


  • Write 10 times the character ロ in a row.
  • Write 5 times the word ロボット / robot /.
  • Write 5 times the word キロメートル / kilometer /.
  • Write 5 times the word パイロット / pilot /.

This is the end of this lesson. See you soon for last lesson on katakana!

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Next lesson: Katakana lesson 10: WA, WO, N and extra sounds

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